Thursday 10 January 2019

Losing Control

She was just a small girl and everyone thought she was cute because she looked young for her age. To get home from school she would walk through the nearby high school with her family. This brought her into contact with people who she didn't know very well and who also thought she was cute. There was one older girl in particular that thought she was very cute and wanted to spend time with her. Her mother was always asked if she could be picked up and cuddled, but the little girl was never asked if this was ok with her. Sometimes the little girl would tell the older girl that she didn't like her which make the older girl tell the little girls mother, who then told the little girl off. As the little girl got older she thought about this situation some more, and realised that the reason that it had made her so uncomfortable was that she was not asked and it had made her feel like she had no control over what was happenining to her. Also because she was so small when she was picked up the ground was a long way from her feet and she didn't like that feeling because it made her feel more like she had no control. She had wanted to tell them how she felt at the time but had been too scared to say and by telling the older girl that she didn't like her was trying to let them know how that she felt she didn't have control. Sometimes as an adult she still feels like everyone else is making decisions for her and that she still has now control over her life.

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